I’m not flexible—can I do yoga?
Do I need any experience of yoga to join the classes?
Why are you supposed to refrain from eating two to three hours before class?
No. It depends on how you define “religion” and how the Yoga practitioner approaches his or her practice. The physical and psychological benefits of Yoga are real and don’t discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, political persuasion or any other way people like (or dislike) to categorize themselves. The benefits also don’t depend on chanting Om. On the spiritual side, most mystical traditions – East or West – draw similar maps of the spiritual path. So in that respect, Yoga is mainstream. Like Shakespeare said, “A rose by any name would smell as sweet.” For these reasons, many people feel they can practice Yoga without conflict with their religious beliefs.
I’m not flexible—can I do yoga?
Yes! You are a perfect candidate for yoga. Many people think that they need to be flexible to begin yoga, but that’s a little bit like thinking that you need to be able to play tennis in order to take tennis lessons. Come as you are and you will find that yoga practice will help you become more flexible.
This new found agility will be balanced by strength, coordination, and enhanced cardiovascular health, as well as a sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.
Do I need any experience of yoga to join the classes?
No, we welcome all level of practitioners.
All you really need to begin practicing yoga is your body, your mind and a bit of curiosity. Please bring a Yoga mat. It is also useful to have a cushion or block. Please also wear light clothing.
Why should yoga be practiced on an empty stomach?
In yoga practice we twist from side to side, turn upside down, and bend forward and backward. If you have not fully digested your last meal, it will make itself known to you in ways that are not comfortable. Anything that is not an actual part of your body should be out if you want to move your energies upward. Yogic practices are not exercises – they are methods to restructure your system. In a way, you are trying to recreate yourself by remolding your system the way you want it to be. For this to be done, there should be nothing but your body. The only thing that is okay to have before the practice is water.